Welcome to USU!
These pages are designed to help new USU faculty and students learn about the variety of information resources and services provided by the University's Learning Resource Center and Computer Help Desk.
The James A. Zimble Learning Resource Center (LRC) is the University's library. The LRC is your gateway to databases, electronic books and journals, information management and search training, and print resources provided by USU. The LRC also provides access to the University's Archives and provides support accessing the LRC's resources.
The OneStop Service Desk is the University's "First Stop for Technology Help." Located in the lobby of Bldg D, the ARCS One-Stop provides a central location for students, faculty, and staff to receive face-to-face technology consultations, support and training.
*LRC hours comply with OPM or USU guidelines during inclement weather.
During the LRC's normal service hours, anyone on the USU campus may visit the library and use most LRC resources. The LRC can be accessed 24/7 with an ID card (CAC, Alt-Token, or PAC) that has been registered by USU security for the expressed purpose of LRC after-hours access. In addition, the LRC’s website provides access to library electronic resources at all times.
Use a registered CAC to enter or exit the LRC during unstaffed hours.
To register your CAC:
Please contact Physical Security at usuphysicalsec@usuhs.edu
Entering & Exiting the LRC using the Card Reader
Before a CAC, Proximity Card or Alt Token card can be used to enter or exit the LRC after staffed hours, the card must be registered with USU's security department.
Using your CAC to Access the LRC
1. Place your card (CAC, Alt-Token, or PAC) with the magnetic strip against the reader.
2. Hold the card against the reader until the light bar changes color.
3. Only the door nearest the circulation desk will unlock.
4. To reduce the chance of generating a system error, scan the card both when you enter and exit the LRC, even if the library is fully open and the doors are unlocked.
Problems exiting or entering the LRC?
If your CAC has not been registered or is malfunctioning and not allowing you to enter or exit, phone security at 301-295-3038 to be buzzed in or out of the LRC.
To use the LRC's electronic resources, you must have a user account with the LRC.
Below are a few of the LRC's most popular resources:
In addition, the LRC provides training and technical support for USU's site license for EndNote - a bibliographic reference manager.
The LRC offers the following services:
Once you have obtained a USU Single Sign On account, you can register to use the LRC's website but please allow our staff up to 2 business days to confirm your account information and activate privileges.
The OCIO OneStop Service Desk provides a central location for students, faculty, and staff to receive face-to-face technology consultations, support and training.
There are several help options available from the One-Stop:
USU uses Google not only for e-mail services, but for a variety of other online applications which, together, comprise a comprehensive suite of everyday office applications that handle word processing, spreadsheets, slides, websites, discussion groups, and even surveys.