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Creating Saved Searches & Auto Email Alerts: EMBASE

Includes instruction on how to save searches and set automatic alerts in PubMed, Ovid Databases, CINAHL and EMBASE.

Create an EMBASE Account

  1. To create an EMBASE account, access the database from the LRC website (see link under Featured Resources).
  2. From the EMBASE, click Register and complete the registration process.
  3. At this point you should be signed in. Remember to sign in each time you access EMBASE.

Embase - Register toolbar


Saving a Search Strategy

To save a search or your search history, you need to run a search. When you are done, use the check boxes to select which searches to save and click Save.

When using EMBASE, in the next window, you will be prompted to save your search to an existing folder or create a new one. In the box below, we are creating a Breast Cancer folder. To do this, click Add Folder, enter a name and click Add.

In the final step, highlight the desired folder, enter a search name and click Save.

Access Saved Searches

You can continue to conduct additional searches to save. In EMBASE, use the Tools tab to select Saved Searches

If you hover over a search, you can select to edit, rerun, set an email alert or create an RSS feed.

Create an Email Alert

Set up an email alert when you want to receive regular updates of new articles on a specific search topic -- a helpful feature for busy researchers and students. Note: You can always save your search and then create an Email Alert.

From the Search History, hover over the selected search and select Email Alert.

In the Set email alert window, provide a name and select delivery and frequency options, see below. When you are done, click set email alert.

Editing Email Alerts

To edit (e.g., change frequency) click Tools and select Email Alerts.

From this screen, hover over the email alert you wish to edit, rerun or turn off. To the right, the Alert details will display.

In addition to saving search strategies, you may want to save selected search results. To do this, select all of your search results or use the checkbox to select specific records. Click Add to Clipboard. Note: Before you exit EMBASE, be sure to save the items placed on the Clipboard -- this is a temporary folder.


To view the items placed on your Clipboard, click Tools and select Clipboard. In the Clipboard, you may print, export, email or save the items. Use the checkboxes to select individual items, or use the top checkbox to select all. Click Save this Clipboard.


Once you click to save, you will prompted to create a New Clipboard or append to an Existing one. Note: To create a new file, you must enter a filename with no spaces, see image below. When you are done, click Save.

Access Saved Clipboard

To view or edit your saved clipboard, click Tools and select Saved Clipboards.

From this page click on the Documents hyperlink to view, email, export or delete items in the Clipboard. To remove an entire clipboard. use the checkbox to select and click Delete.

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Rhonda Allard

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Rhonda J. Allard
James A. Zimble Learning Resource Center • 4301 Jones Bridge Rd. Bethesda, MD 20814 • Main Number: 301-295-3189 • AMI Helpdesk: 301-295-3358

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